The warmth that is evident when you walk through the door at Rowan creates the ideal learning environment for girls to fulfil their potential.
This is a school where children feel safe and happy.
They are nurtured and allowed to grow as individuals, empowered to be at the centre of their education and encouraged to take risks, explore and discover new skills and interests which will enrich their lives.
Enrichment at Rowan is evident in everyday learning as well as special events and co-curricular clubs and activities. Exciting and stimulating activities are woven through our everyday curriculum stimulating the girls’ curiosity, enthusiasm and imagination and bringing learning to life. At Rowan Brae, the girls take their learning outside into the local community and beautiful woodland area, building dens and digging for treasure. They can’t wait to join the older Hill girls in the Spinney and they are able to visit a range of amazing places for day trips and longer residential stays providing further opportunities for the girls to experience ‘awe and wonder’ of the world alongside developing their independence and confidence.
We are enormously proud of the wide variety of extra-curricular activities and clubs on offer at Rowan. There are numerous sporting and performing arts clubs alongside those which reflect the wider interests and needs of the girls, for example chess club, sewing club and friendship clubs. Some of these activities are run by our staff but many are run by experts in their specialist field. This broad provision ensures there is something for everyone enabling each and every Rowan girl the opportunity to explore new experiences and discover their personal interests and talents.
Our inclusive approach to education ensures that all of our girls are given the opportunity to grow and succeed in all aspects of school life. Where necessary, additional support is put in place through personalised classroom strategies and invitation only groups and clubs providing support for reading, communication skills and mindful relaxation techniques, to name a few.
Whilst these co-curricular activities can have a powerful impact on the girls’ learning and development, at Rowan we also recognise that they are valuable in their own right, as fun, enjoyable and sometimes magical experiences which enrich their lives and remain etched in their memories forever.