Year 6 marks the final step of the Rowan journey and is a year where girls grow in confidence, hold leadership roles, shine on stage, take-on the 11+ process with a well prepared, can-do attitude and make memories to last a lifetime. It is a year of celebration, of growing-up and looking forward, leading by example, learning new skills and moving-on.
Preparation for the 11+
Girls are well prepared for their senior schools’ entrance process and visiting our senior school fair in the autumn of Years 4 & 5 is where it all begins. In the spring of Year 5, parents meet with our headmistress to discuss senior school choices and comprehensive support is provided throughout the process.
As girls begin Year 6, there is a strong academic focus on English, maths and reasoning, where they consolidate learning in lessons and partake in a series of online and paper practice papers. Booster sessions are offered as additional support, and every girl engages in individual and group interview practice. Girls are prepared to do their best in their senior school assessments without detracting from the wider and fully enriching curriculum on offer. This leads to fantastic results with every girl finding a senior school that is right for them.
Life Skills Programme
From the Spring term in Year 6, girls engage in an extensive programme of activities to develop vital life skills, broadening their perspectives and bridging the gap between primary and secondary education. Activities are carefully selected and have a specific focus on our Rowan Star Qualities, as well as developing independence, social interaction and confidence. The programme includes a combination of community involvement, supporting younger students, exposure to future careers, safety-based workshops and engaging activities for girls to enjoy together, creating lifelong fond memories of their Rowan journey.
End-of-Year Production
Showcasing their many talents, all girls are cast for this end-of-year spectacle, dazzling audiences with their flair for acting, musical talents and quick-wit – always a highlight on our school calendar!
French Residential
Language, culture and food are all buzzwords for our week away in the Summer term. Expertly planned by our Head of Languages, Year 6 are exposed to a wide variety of activities in France. On return to school, girls review their trip by hosting a French Cheese & Wine evening for their parents.