Our Little Berries Toddler Group meets every Wednesday morning from 10.00am to 11.00am during term-time.
Held at our Pre-prep site at Rowan Brae, girls aged under 5 are welcome to join us for a morning of music, craft, play and outdoor adventures. Please note that numbers are limited, therefore we would be grateful if you could please pre-book to join each session. If you are considering a girls-only education for your daughter, come along to discover how Rowan Prep could be the perfect choice of school for her.
Dates for the Summer Term will be:
30 April - first session after the Easter break
7 May - no Little Berries session
* 9 May - special 'Art in Nature' event at Rowan Hill - please sign up via 'Visit Us' page or email: Toddlers@rowanprepschool.co.uk
14 May
21 May
Half term break - no Little Berries session
4 June
11 June
18 June
25 June - last session of the term
To book, please email: Toddlers@rowanprepschool.co.uk letting us know which dates you would like to come along to. Refreshments are provided for grown-ups and little ones and there is no charge for the sessions.
Parking is on the neighbouring residential roads therefore you are welcome to bring your pushchairs into school for your convenience.
For further information, please contact Sarah Pietzsch on 01372 462627