Rowan News

Inter-House Netball Autumn 1
Emma Ferguson
/ Categories: News, Rowan Sports News

Inter-House Netball Autumn 1

The first of our two inter house netball tounaments for the term were played this week.  The girls have been working hard on their netball skills and matchplay practice in their house teams since returning to school.  All the team work paid off as we were treated to feast of competitve house netball this week starting with Year 6 on Tuesday to Year 3 on Friday.  The match of the week goes to the Year 5 deciding match between Heather v Rose, it was a nail biter. Wonderful shooting from Suri, saw Rose come from behind to score 2 goals in the last 2 mins to win the match by a goal, 4 goals to 3. A fantastic competition between the two teams.

The overal postions in each Year group were:

Year 3 1st Rowan  2nd Rose  3rd Heather  4th Hazel

Year 4  1st Rose  2nd Heather  3rd Hazel  4th Rowan

Year 5  1st Rose  2nd Heather  3rd Hazel  4th Rowan

Year 6  1st Rose  2nd Hazel  3rd Rowan  4th Heather  

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