Top Marks for LAMDA Exams
We are very proud of all our girls for their excellent set of LAMDA exam results, the best we have achieved in the 7 years of running the drama programme at school. Over 140 exams were taken in the Spring Term, and a staggering 76% passed with Distinction, and 24% with Merit. The exams ranged from Year 2, taking an introductory exam, right through to Grade 4 Duologue Acting in Year 6. A special mention goes to Cydney who achieved the highest score possible.
We are always impressed during LAMDA exam time with how the girls work calmly with others and have devised strategies to handle nerves and challenging situations. Drama certainly increases the confidence to explore and expand vocabulary in and out of the classroom, and we always find the sessions create quite a buzz across the school. LAMDA brings the best out of every child, and we see the quieter students speak out and showcase their talent, as well as those to whom drama comes so naturally. At the heart of LAMDA is the recognition that the qualifications are for everyone, a sentiment we heartily endorse at Rowan.
We are very proud of all the girls and look forward to applauding them for their tremendous efforts when we are all back in school.