Rowan News

Back To School - Partial Reopening
Emma Ferguson
/ Categories: News

Back To School - Partial Reopening

It has been wonderful to welcome girls from across Kindergarten, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 back to school this week. Girls bounced into school, ready to embrace their new learning environments. Organised into “bubbles”, the safety of the girls is our top priority, allowing them to enjoy the company of their friends and teachers and the freedom to play and learn in their dedicated spaces. 

The sound of laughter and chatter can be heard again, and it has been lovely to see the girls playing with their friends as though they’ve never been apart. As this video from our Kindergarten girls shows, there’s no denying what the girls have enjoyed most about being back at school this week! 

We have been so impressed with the way they have all adjusted so quickly to being back at school. Keen and curious to learn, it has been lovely to see the girls explore their new classroom layouts and enjoy their schoolwork. We are looking forward to welcoming more girls from other year groups when it is the time to do so.

Until then, the Rowan Ribbons are keeping watch and our Distance Learning Programme continues for those girls still at home. We miss you and look forward to seeing you all soon.


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