
If you would like to register your daughter for admission to Rowan Preparatory School, please complete the registration form below. Payment of the non-refundable registration fee is also required: £100 for a Preschool place / £120 (£100+VAT) for a place in Reception to Year 6, using the bank details below:

Account Name: United Church Schools Trust
Sort Code: 20-46-50
A/C Number: 7363 3365

Please include your daughter’s surname as a reference.

The following documentation will be required when completing the registration form:

  • Copy of birth certificate and a recent photograph or
  • Copy of passport


Early registration is recommended. Acceptance of the registration fee does not guarantee the offer of a place. Please refer to information about the admissions process for registration information and dates.  Offers of places are subject to availability and the admission requirements of the school at the time offers are made.

If you have any queries about the registration process, please contact Mrs Kim Keen, Head of Admissions, on 01372 462627 (option 4) or at

How we will use the information provided in this form

This information will be used by Rowan Preparatory School during the admissions process in order to manage and assess your application and your daughter’s suitability for a place at the school. All data will be processed in accordance with our policies on privacy and data protection.

Please be aware that once you are registered with the school, Rowan reserves the right to request references from your child’s current school or pre-school setting prior to admission.

The data controller for personal information held by Rowan Preparatory School is United Church Schools Trust (UCST). UCST is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The registration number is Z533407X. The Data Protection Officer is Alison Hussain,