
Local Governing Body (LGB)

To provide a strong local sense of management and strategy, Rowan Preparatory School has a Local Governing Body (LGB) with its own Chair and Governors drawn from across the local community. Active governors are listed below. For details of governors currently on sabbatical please refer to LGB chair.

Jo joined the Governing Body in 2012 after nine years as a parent of two Rowan girls.  She became Chair in 2017.  Jo was educated at Trinity Hall, Cambridge University where she studied History, and went on to become a partner at PwC in London, specialising in corporation tax advisory services. 

Having experienced her daughters’ very happy journey through Rowan she is delighted to have the excuse to spend lots of time in school. Jo particularly enjoys attending Open Days where she can watch the girls acting as proud ambassadors for the school.

David is a former Rowan parent and joined the Governing body in 2019. He grew up in Claygate and attended Milbourne Lodge Senior School, and progressed to study Classics at Trinity College, Cambridge. David trained as a chartered accountant with Arthur Andersen and enjoyed 20+ years in a range of CFO & COO roles including Teach First. David started his own recruitment business in 2015, advising a range of commercial clients and schools.

David particularly enjoys attending concerts and theatrical performances at Rowan which never fail to charm and delight.

Lesley joined the governing board in March 2021 and is the parent of two ex-Rowan girls who are now at university studying Engineering and Physics. Lesley studied Agricultural Economics at Exeter University before a career as Profit Manager at GKN and BA and then as a Management Consultant. Lesley has spent ten years sitting as a magistrate, most recently as a Presiding Justice in the London Family Court and she is a mentor with Surrey Care Trust in early intervention scheme working to support vulnerable children and adults.

Lesley’s daughter’s both have great memories of their time at Rowan where they made lifelong friendships. Both girls still chat fondly about their teachers and, of course, about happy hours spent in The Spinney. Lesley is delighted to be a governor for Rowan and support a school that offers a wonderful education for girls.

Nesta became a member of the governing body in early 2025. 

She qualified in Medicine from Liverpool University and worked in General Practice in Edinburgh for nearly 30 years.  She has lived in Cobham since 2015 and worked as a GP in both London and Cobham.

Nesta has 3 adult children and is enjoying a busy retirement, taking an active interest in her granddaughters’ education.

Isobel become a governor in 2013. She is an ex-Rowan pupil who lives locally and is an active member of the community. She works as a teacher and has a love of drama and the arts.

Joanna is Executive Head at Shrewsbury House School Trust and has extensive experience in both the independent and maintained education sectors across a wide age range.  She has taught in the UK and overseas and is also an ISI inspector. Having known Rowan for many years she is delighted to be able to contribute to the continued development of this forward-thinking school.

Gary joined the governing body in 2020, just as his twin daughters were leaving Rowan to join Guildford High and Tormead. Enjoying a successful career in advertising across multiple advertising agencies, both buying and selling TV airtime, Gary became the Commercial Director for ITV in 2007.  Gary went on to set up his own Media Consultancy company and has, most recently, launched 5 trampoline parks in the UK as COO.

Jon became a Governor in late 2021, a few months after the younger of his two daughters left Rowan to move to St John's in Leatherhead. A qualified lawyer, Jon lives in Thames Ditton with his wife and daughters - both of whom loved their time at Rowan. Jon is a keen sportsman and is heavily involved (both as a player and as a coach with the Juniors) with the Old Cranleighan Hockey Club, which many Rowan girls have joined in recent years.

Robin became a Governor in early 2023, four years after his daughter left Rowan to go to St John's in Leatherhead. Robin is Chief Information Officer of the European platform of a global Asset Management business. Robin lives in Thames Ditton with his wife, and their two children, a son and a daughter, both of whom are now at St John's. Robin is involved in the local community in particular at Thames Ditton Cricket Club, having played for them and now as Head of the Women & Girls Academy, where many a Rowan girl also plays. Robin is the eSafety Governor. 

Lucy joined the governing body in November 2023. Lucy brings with her experience as Head of English at RGS Prep and a teacher at Guildford High School. She is an ex-Rowan girl with fond memories of netball matches, school plays and break in The Spinney. Now, Lucy lives in Claygate with her husband and children. 

Governing Body

Rowan Preparatory School is part of United Learning. United Learning comprises: UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee. VAT number 834 8515 12.

The registered address is:

United Learning
Worldwide House
Thorpe Wood

The legal governing body for Rowan Prep School is the United Church Schools Trust (United Learning). If you wish to speak to United Learning regarding any matter, please visit their website.